I am so tired and asleep, actually am not good financially. It is the 29th  of August. Two left to come back to work after a 3 months holiday. In Algeria, the teachers always take the longest  vacation   hhh.   Long   vacations   do   not   fit   me,   I   rather   more   prefer   long   hours   of   work   in  different places. During work days, everything is sweet; having a break, eating lunch with a friend, some chat and surfing on the net, and finally going extremely tired to a warm bed. 

I am zapping the TV, no show can attract my attention right now. My favorite list consists of the MBC channels. Most of them broadcast movies and drama. American and Turkish shows taking the lions share. After a long period of Mexican authority over the Arabian channels, the Turkish drama is dominating   nowadays and stealing   the thunder of x -famous moviesmaking companies! Bollywood also is trying to push its series to the drama arena after its successful movies. Yet, Indian series are attracting less fans because of their traditional views in producing and directing. Their heroes are so idealistic and 100% good  and pure! They show an extreme and eternal struggle between the evil and the good! Im so influenced by the   Einsteinian   Relativity   Theory   which   claim   that   no   fact   is   100%   perfect.   Consequently, perfection according to Albert Einstein is a matter of individual perception to the different phenomenon that occur around us in a changeable world. For the aforementioned reason, I see   that   presenting   a   hero   who   grew   up   among   a   family   of   life   protectors   and   who   is scarifying his life to save the earth, the town, the family . For his principles is a kind of laughing upon the minds of people. For the record, I can testimony that the Bollywood heroes are less annoying than those of Hollywood! When watching a typical heroic Hollywood movie, a person with a mind inside his  skull   would   fall   to   ground   from   laughing!   I   actually,   their   action   is  well   directed   and performed not like the Indian one, but it is not a matter of the picture, or the dialogue or the performance of the actors who are so trained and talented. The issue that bother me is the American   tendency   to   show   a   unique   American   character   with   high   ethical   and   human values! Of course When children or adolescents or even grownups ( who have no minds in their big skulls) watch Ethan Hunt trying to destroy the lethal Kommir virus to save the poor Australians in one of his impossible missions hhh , they would dream of being him,  a very powerful intelligence agents winning all the battles against the non-American (of course) devils. So silly it is! I guess.

I am not against showing the best values in the human being; however, I am against showing the other side as a fool bad miser and weak character. I am sure that watchers of the US cinema would certainly notice that Russians, Germans, Arabs, Koreans, Vietnams, Cubans… and other eternal Anti- American policy are always presenting the bad enemy. It is no more than illusion, illusion that the Americans want to promote abroad, their movies of heroism are like a simple cheap present but well covered in a colored box! It would be so stupid to believe that fictional scenarios about fictional heroes are true! American movie makers want them real, alive, and immortal. To cover this exaggeration, the movie makers are adopting new strategies to keep up their character accepted by the watchers. The strategy is creating a hero with bad or illegal past, a hero who did many crimes and religiously unacceptable actions… but, our hero is saving the poor Nigerians from slaughtering to recover his past and make some good to release his own soul. Such scenario was well performed in Bruce Willis’ “tears of the Sun”. For all those reasons, I personally tend to watch realistic movies in which there more than hero, and in which the other side is not evil, but a part who is serving his vital interests no more. For me, Bollywood movies are more just, in which their mutual Pakistani foes are notthat evil that the Hollywood would represent if it was it. I recommend to littlans to watch movies with their eyes not their hearts. They must accept only what is real and logical. To conclude, I would like to add, that it is true that cinema is made to entertain and to teach, but I see no necessity to falsify the truth for the sake of tickets’ selling!

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