It is Friday, a blessed day for the Muslims. The Friday prayers are the most common Islamic ritual in this day. Also, it is the official weekend in most Islamic countries. In Algeria, both Saturday and Friday are official weekend! The government thought that the Algerians are hard workers hh so it added Saturday as a holiday too!!
I was seating in the living room watching the Friday prayers via an entertaining Saudi channel. Two hours is the difference in time between the two countries. Imam of the Mecca Mosque was performing the Friday address to the crowds of Muslims. The Imam was talking about the ethics of neighborhood! It is ok to tackle this issue in a humble Mosque like the one in my isolated village, or even the ones in the Algerian capital! But a great mosque like the one in Mecca, I believe that the topics the Imam must discuss must be larger and mustconcern modern and contemporary issues. I mean, Palestine is under the Israeli colonization since 1948. Egypt is facing a dangerous crisis and a looming civil war. Syria is about to be rained by NATO missiles and most developed arms. Meanwhile all this, Mr. Imam is talking about neighborhood, as if the Muslims there are not concerned with what’s happening around them in those brother nations!!! Of course a lot of mosques around the world would discuss such type of topics like the one was discussed in Mecca! No problem, because those mosques are not the heart of the Islamic world. They are not the place where millions of pilgrims from around the world head yearly. In Mecca, people who are doing the prayers or “Omra” or “Pilgrimage” are a mixture of simple and common persons, but among them there are many people who are running cartels and controlling the world trade. There are also, people who leading armies, people who are directing huge media webs and groups. Among the Harem Mosque there are politicians from all Islamic countries who can make, change or stop the political decisions…etc.
I see, addresses in the Mecca mosque must tackle more sophisticated issues that concerns the Islamic word as whole, as one block, as one nation against any harmful dangerous assaults. I believe that Mecca is the source of the decision that all Muslims would certainly agree upon
one day.

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